Lion President Musleh, Lion Jackie and Lion Lynne recently visited the Young Carers in South Ruislip.
There are many activities to keep all the young carers involved, for example some very innovative gaming sessions provided by a volunteer, sports sessions by Charlie the sports coach, some in depth computer work and a chance to see some inspiring musicians practising. Where we have been able to help is with crafting materials – the challenge of the night was crochet work and also cooking with some tasty looking cup cakes ready for the tea break.
Carole the youth leader was so pleased to show the Lions around the centre – we were surprised with the opportunities to offer fun and challenge to the Young Carers and a rare chance for them to have a break from caring duties. Carole was very grateful for the funds we donated to support the variety of activities available for Young Carers.

A lovely happy photo showing all the volunteer leaders, some of the young carers, Lion President Musleh and Lion Jackie (Lion Lynne was taking the photo)