Ruislip Lions Aid Hillingdon Food Bank

For some time now we have collected food for Hillingdon Food Bank and members of the Club have also helped sort and pack in the centre as you will be aware; this need locally continues to grow.
Clothing for Hillingdon Women’s Refuge
Following the donating of children’s clothing to Hillingdon Women’s refuge one of our Lions suggested we should collect clothing for homeless adults in dire need in this freezing weather. Two lions stepped up to the plate and contributed several bags of high quality clothing. At that point, the outlet where we donated stopped collecting. However now TRINITY HOMELESS a local charity let us know they require specific clothing as there are some real needs: Jeans, T-shirts, jumpers, winter coats, socks (they get through 100 pairs a week), underpants (80 pairs a week are used) Rucksacks and holdalls. If you have any contributions give us a call.
Ruislip Lions Aid Hillingdon Young Carers With Share of £100K Grant

Environmental books from Ruislip Lions to BWI school in Ruislip

Ruislip Lions President Jackie Lack visited BWI School Ruislip in February 2020. In the photograph are pupils from Year 3 and the Head Teacher Jill Westbrook with the 3 sets of environmental books donated by the Club
Presentation to Rhys by the club to help with his schoolwork

The Club were delighted to welcome Rhys & his family to part of our meeting. He came along to thank us for help with equipment that will assist him to overcome a disability whilst at school. Everyone was impressed by his determination & humour
Ruislip Lions win award for best stall at Hillingdon Carers Fair

Ruislip Lions won award for best stall at Hillingdon Carers Fair 2019 The club members who manned the stall this year pictured are with Nadia from Hillingdon Carers & the award

The Club carries out a number of Service activities during the year where individuals or groups of people are helped, including the Wren Club, Film nights for Sheltered Home clients, Young Carers support, Food Bank collections and assisting with collections at supermarkets for other charities.
Our newest service activity is our Hillingdon Carers Café in Ruislip.Hillingdon Carers popular drop in Carers cafes are operating with great success in Uxbridge, Northwood, Harefield and Hayes but no café was available in Ruislip. Ruislip Lions have taken the initiative and a new café is now open, sponsored by and staffed by Ruislip Lions volunteers. It is open between 1.30pm to 3pm every 3rd Monday in the month at Ruislip Manor Methodist Church, Torrington Road, Ruislip Manor. The café is a place for people who are caring for a family member or friend to relax, meet other carers, talk to experienced staff and volunteers, seek advice and swap good news or share ideas about dealing with some of the challenges of caring. Any carer can just drop in, no appointment is needed.
Wren Centre
Transport clients with learning disabilities to and from the Wren Club in South Ruislip
Film Nights in Sacred Heart School

Clients are transported from and back to their Care homes by Lions once a month in the winter. They then watch a film and have tea and biscuits in the interval