Community Conversations are a friendly, collaborative exploration of some of the latest research taking place at Brunel University London, facilitated by four of Brunel’s leading academics. The conversation will provide lots of opportunity to pose questions to the academics, as well as discuss the implications of the research for Uxbridge, its residents and community. Doors open at 6:30pm for a 7pm start
Monday 9th May – Uxbridge Reimagined; researching the High Street – Discussing the sense of place and the meanings that Uxbridge High Street has for local people (Chaired by Monica Degen – Reader in Urban Cultural Sociology)
Monday 16th May – Reducing Food Waste – How we can change our attitudes to food
recycling (Chaired by Danae Manika – Chair of Marketing and Business Education)
Monday 23rd May – Isolation and Loneliness – How we can all age well, be active and stay socially connected (Chaired by Christina Victor – Chair of Gerontology)
Monday 30th May – Domestic Abuse and the Courts – Looking at allegations and changing the ‘pro-contact culture’ in family courts (Chaired by Adrienne Barnett – Senior Lecturer in Law)
Venue: Kate Fassnidge Memorial Hall, 2 Harefield Road, Uxbridge, UB8 1GW
To register for free tickets please visit: Brunel Research Festival: