International Lion Mohan & his wife Lion Kirti attended Club Meeting

The first Club meeting in August had a very welcome visit from Lion Mohan and his wife Lion Kirti. Lion President Phyllis introduced them to the club members. Lion Mohan and his wife are from Jaipur the Pink City. Lion Mohan explained to us the huge numbers of Lions active in India. As a lion he has travelled to 50 countries across the world. There are 136 clubs in the district and 1,500 Lions The district is 3233A1. In his own club there are 72 members mainly couples. Lion Mohan has been a Lion for 26 years and has taken many roles, including DG. His son lives in central London with his English wife. Lion Mohan first contacted Lion Parveen, District secretary, and also has met our present DG Doreen Allen.
Lion Mohan and Lion President exchanged pennants and Lion Peter, and our most long serving Lion, Ken were presented with pins.
Lion Mohan thanked the club from the bottom of his heart for the visit and gave an open invitation to all Lions who may like to visit him in India, he also mentioned the Youth Exchange programme.