Roar May 2017


Ruislip Lions find an Uxbridge man in a million! Do you remember
Supermarket Sweep on the TV? Last month Ruislip Lions trolley dash (alias Supermarket Sweep) at Waitrose Supermarket uncovered an Uxbridge man with a heart of gold. During the week prior to the Trolley Dash Ruislip Lions members, and Rory, their famous mascot, were on duty at Ruislip Waitrose frantically selling raffle tickets for the ‘dash’ to raise money for local charities. What was that coveted prize for potential raffle winners? Yes, it was a challenging 2 Minutes dash around the store to collect all the goodies the winner had earmarked.
Then comes the twist! Our winner David Weatherhead, a Hillingdon resident, came up with the idea that he would like to donate his winning ‘dash’ to THE UXBRIDGE FOODBANK- what a man, so generous of spirit something not seen often these days. Uxbridge Food bank had collected £135.00 worth of foods desperately needed by the food bank.

Early this month we held our annual Plant Sale, it is 20 years old and still attracting the crowds, making over £2,500, a brilliant profit for our local charities. Lions worked closely to provide an excellent morning for gardening enthusiasts from across Ruislip and Eastcote, which included their excellent home-grown stall. A real bonus was the fabulous support from the Waitrose Community Team. Lions were out in force from the early morning – thanks to all for a great result. Thanks also to Ruislip Rugby club, generous supporters of our plant sale, for providing the space to run the sale.


This year marks the 20th Charity Easter Egg Hunt for the Club. Managers and Landlords of local pubs and clubs are invited to take part in the event, Ruislip Lions supply a magnificent chocolate Easter Egg to each venue who then sell 100 raffle tickets at £1.00 each, the prize being the Easter Egg. Then after Easter the money is collected from the venues. The net profit from this year’s event was £791.14. The picture shows Ellie one of the youngest winners.

A date for your diaries – Open-air Performance of William Shakespeare’s “The Comedy of Errors” by Illyria on Saturday 24th June 2017 in The Courtyard, Manor Farm, Ruislip HA5 7QL
Illyria is the premier touring company and they are returning to perform for us. This is Illyria’s 26th open-air touring season, they are renowned for their clarity, quality and ingenuity. “The Comedy of Errors” is the bard’s shortest, funniest and most rumbustious comedy. The show is recommended for adults and children.The performance starts at 7.30pm but the gates open at 6.00pm for picnickers. Parking is free in St. Martin’s Approach Car Park from 6.00pm. Seating is not provided so bring your own low backed chair or rug, a picnic, warm clothing and insect repellent! No tables, gazebos or BBQ’s are permitted. As in the past, the Cow Byre Café will be open from 6.00pm and at the interval for hot drinks and light refreshments and for the first time we have a Prosecco Bar.
Finally, rain will not stop the play. The performance goes on regardless of the weather and will only be cancelled if conditions become dangerous to the performers and the audience. Tickets are not refundable.
Tickets from or call 01895 250615
Early booking discounts until 13th June Adult £13.50 Child £8.00 Family £40 (2+3)
From 13th June Adult £15.00 Child £8.00 Family £45 (3+2).
To find out more about Ruislip Lions telephone Lion Lynne Kauffman, our Membership Chair,
2017/2 on 020 8845 4518 or visit our Website: